Home > Money Poverty and Material Prosperity?

Money Poverty and Material Prosperity?

December 29th, 2006 at 06:19 am

It seems in the U. S. that even people living in poverty have material goods that are not affordable to rest of the world. Americans seem to have lot of stuff. I came across an

Text is article and Link is
article on
Text is MSN Money and Link is
MSN Money. It's somewhat amusing that Americans in general may be living paycheck-to-paycheck or incurring credit card debt, but we have all the conveniences.

I compared myself against the stats:
Refrigerator: 99.20%. I got one!

Stove: 98.30%. I got one!

Color TV: 98.20%. I got one!

Auto: 85.70%. I got one!

Microwave: 98.20%. I got one!

VCR: 86.9%. Does a DVD player count?

Washer: 80%. I got one!

Dryer: 77.10%. Mine is a stacking unit with the washer.

Stereo system: 72.55%. Yes, I have a 5.1 system!

Computer: 59.30%. Laptop it is!

6 Responses to “Money Poverty and Material Prosperity?”

  1. tinapbeana Says:

    Refrigerator: 99.20%. - a big one and a little one.
    Stove: 98.30%. - stove top but no oven. but, i have a grill and a toaster/convection thing.
    Color TV: 98.20%. - two, and just pulled another one from storage.
    Auto: 85.70%. - ditto. 2 if you count DH's work vehicle.
    Microwave: 98.20%. - yup. have had for years.
    VCR: 86.9%. - and the dvd player.
    Washer: 80%. - oh yeah, not goin' without this one!
    Dryer: 77.10%. - *grin* part of my heating system
    Stereo system: 72.55%. - just bought a new one and gave the old one to my mom.
    Computer: 59.30%. desktop here, laptop from work, bits enough to build 2 more...

    i don't really feel bad about this, though, as all was paid for in cash. theonly thing i would consider a 'necessity' is the grill, as it would allow me to cook even with no power, not to mention heat water... i gotta admit, though, the last things i'd sell if i needed money are the grill and the computer: i'd find a way to deal without everything else!

  2. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Thanks for bringing this article to our attention. Very interesting. The poor are not appliance poor in the US.

  3. PRICEPLUS Says:

    4 TVs

    2 stereo systems(one of them is DDs)

    1 stove

    1 microwave

    3 cars

    2 VCRs/DVD players

    I washer

    1 dryer

    2 refridgerators

    1 freezer

    3 computers(one of them an older laptop)

    All bought and paid for, thank heaven!

    It really is a lot of "stuff" when you think of it!

  4. amber Says:

    Refrigerator: 1

    Stove: 1

    Color TV: 3

    Auto: 1

    Microwave: 1

    VCR and DVD: 1 0f each

    Washer: 1

    Dryer: 0

    Stereo system: 1

    Computer: 2
    Just like priceplus mine are all bought and paid for thank God, but it is a lot of stuff I guess we are spoiled

  5. sarah Says:

    Just a reminder that this doesn't apply to all Americans. Many hoomes on American Indian reservations have neither electricity nor running water. (i.e. Pine Ridge)

  6. jersey jen Says:

    * sarah

    it looks like the given stats from
    Text is MSN Money and Link is
    MSN Money are quite accurate. the
    Text is u. s. demographics and Link is
    u. s. demographics shows that Native Americans are 0.8%. gee, the refrigerators happen to reach 99.2% of all Americans. guess who don't have refrigerators?

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