Home > Tax 1 - What Do You Use for Tax Return?

Tax 1 - What Do You Use for Tax Return?

January 21st, 2007 at 12:06 am

Today I received the first tax return document from my bank, the

Text is 1099-INT and Link is
1099-INT. What does this mean? Oh no, tax season is here (and hopefully getting a refund)!

Can you tell what do you use to do tax return, i. e. good old paper forms, software (
Text is TaxCut and Link is
Text is TurboTax and Link is
TurboTax), accountant, or "I have to pay taxes"?

13 Responses to “Tax 1 - What Do You Use for Tax Return?”

  1. ldyfaile Says:

    I have to pay taxes? Smile Just kidding. I use TurboTax Online. It costs a little but I'm lazy and like the fact that I can work on it wherever I happen to be. For example, I got my W2 while I was at work so I started my return there. Later at home I was able to add student loan interest from my home computer. Anyway, that's my two cents.

  2. baselle Says:

    I must be a real do-it-yourselfer. I go to the IRS site and file for free. You can select from a list of preparers. However, since WA state doesn't have a state income tax, and most online preparers will prepare the federal for free but charge you for state taxes, I can only use a couple of preparers.

    I used to Telefile, which was actually a blast.

    I also used to volunteer as an EITC tax preparer, working with the software provided by the IRS which actually was a lot of fun. During downtimes, we used to work on ours or on each other's.

  3. monkeymama Says:

    I do my own with my work's software. BUT I use Tax Cut for my parents. They make too much money for the free filing stuff.

    We chose it because Turbo Tax was pulling all sorts of stuff with the computer - installing spyware and such - so dh made me switch - that was a few years back - don't know if it makes any difference now. IT is easy to switch between the 2 programs though - they are both very compatible and can pull prior year return data from the other.

    My fancy work software is the best though - I get to e-file myself - woohoo. I haven't even figured that part out though I am sure it is easy with tax cut - just haven't tried to figure out e-file on my own.

  4. sarah Says:

    I've used Tax Cut and been very appy with it. However this year I think I am going to try tax act. Its cheaper.

  5. Des Says:

    Ive used H&R Block Online for the last 3 years and have very good experiences. I have a small but confusing online brokerage account and I liked that I didn't have to input any info just type in my user name and password and all of my info was downloaded. Also they deduct the cost od using the program from your tax refund. I think its like $25

  6. LuckyRobin Says:

    We just do ours by hand, but we just do the standard deductions so its really easy. DH does it and then I check it to make sure its right.

  7. jersey jen Says:

    * ldyfaile

    thanks for the info! 1 for
    Text is TurboTax and Link is
    TurboTax Online.

  8. jersey jen Says:

    * baselle

    thanks for the info! the link to
    Text is IRS Free File and Link is
    IRS Free File is
    Text is here and Link is

  9. jersey jen Says:

    * monkeymama

    thanks for the info! 1 for
    Text is TaxCut and Link is

  10. jersey jen Says:

    * sarah

    thanks for the info! 2 for
    Text is TaxCut and Link is

  11. jersey jen Says:

    * des

    thanks for the info! 3 for
    Text is TaxCut and Link is
    TaxCut (which is essential H&R Block online).

  12. jersey jen Says:

    * luckyrobin

    thanks for the info!

  13. orchid Says:

    sounds like you have a great plan too! never thought about doing my own taxes...hope its easy to learn

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